The Case for Case Studies
Did you ever wish you could tell a story about how your lawn care and landscape business rescued a client? Did you restore a patio or an outdoor living room? Transform a blasé front porch into something spectacular?
Then you need to share these stories through case studies.
There are two types of case studies that I, at the Landscape Writer, create for lawn and landscape businesses: case study blogs and traditional case studies.
Case Studies Defined
Case study blogs tell a short story how you transformed a lawn, a hardscape or a landscape from bland, boring or broken into a new outdoor oasis, improved curb appeal or a cozy patio. In the blog, you also discuss the challenges you faced and how you solved them. You’re positioning yourself as a landscape contractor—the company that meets their own challenges during a project and a one-stop shop for your customers.
Traditional case studies are longer in scope and involve your client’s direct input. There are interviews involved and more details are included in the piece. These traditional case studies work great to add bulk to your testimonials.
Both types of case studies benefit your company by adding real life examples of your work. They also position you as an expert in your field and why people should call you over your competition.
Case studies are not a “once and done” project. You can reuse (repurpose) your longer case studies into smaller blogs, newsletter articles, press releases and other marketing communications.
Are you ready to expand your business by showing sales prospects why you’re the go-to person for all of their lawn care, hardscape and landscape needs? Then call me, the Landscape Writer, today at 717-381-6719 or fill out my contact form for more information.