How to Save Time & Still Publish Blog Posts to Your Landscaping Website

Do you start each New Year strong in regularly publishing your blog posts to your landscaping website, only to peter out by the beginning of April?
You know from trade shows, marketing blogs and green industry trade magazines that you need to consistently upload new posts to your blog or you won’t rank high on Google or other search engines.
And yet, you find blogging to be another task on your to-do list that sucks away time.
In this post, you’ll learn why hiring a business blogger can help you save time and allow you to consistently post blogs on your landscaping website.
Why is a Consistent Blog Post Important to Your Landscaping Website?
A consistent blog is important to bring more people to your green industry website. Here are some other benefits of consistent blogging:
1 It helps you rank well: The more you blog, the higher you rank on Google and other search engines. However, there is a caveat here—just pushing out blogs without good content isn’t going to help you in the long run.
The key to ranking well is to present information that helps your readers with their outdoor problems. For example, a lot of lawn care operators in the southern part of the U.S. say that their customers deal with a lot of weed issues.
So, if you’re a South Carolina lawn care company, you should have some articles pertaining to weeds and how to keep them out of SC yards.
2. It helps your brand: You want your followers to become familiar with your brand, so they associate your company as a rock solid advisor on green industry issues.
Jayson DeMers in a article says, “Your blog posts give you a unique opportunity to share your voice and personality, building up trust and increasing your brand’s likeability quotient.”
3. It establishes you as an expert: Let’s face it—if you’re a green industry business owner, you have a lot of competition. And regular blogging is becoming mainstream in the lawn care, landscaping and other field service companies.
You need to actively blog to keep your name in front of your prospects.
Plus, the more knowledge you can share that shows your expertise, the more your followers will see you as a trusted advisor to all issues related to lawn care, landscaping, mowing and outdoor kitchens.
DeMers states “A blog is one of the best ways to establish yourself or your brand as an expert in your field, as it gives you a platform for sharing important industry-related information and insights. As you build up authority in your niche, this breeds trust and familiarity, keeping you top-of-mind when your prospects are ready to buy…”
4. It helps differentiate you from your competitors: Your blog is your voice to the world. Plus, your blog also focuses on those areas where your company is the strongest in your region.
For example, you may be the only organic lawn care company in your city or county. Your blog, then, should focus on organic lawn care rather than conventional lawn care—separating you from your competition.
If you’re a landscape company, your specialty may be yard drainage solutions. You can tailor your blogs to focus on issues such as flooding, rain gardens and dry riverbeds.
5. It improves your “know, like and trust”: The basic concept of “know, like and trust” is that your followers get to know you through your blog and social media content. As they get to know you, they begin to like you and finally, they start to trust you.
And when they trust you, these followers will call you to work on their property.
You can read more about “know, like and trust” in this blog post.
DeMer notes, “Blogging gives your business a way to touch on issues and concerns of interest to your prospects, while also sharing what you and your employees are passionate about. Your blog posts give you a unique opportunity to share your voice and personality, building up trust and increasing your brand’s likeability quotient.”
Why You Need the Landscape Writer
Early in my business, I had people say to me that they thought hiring a writer is expensive. And yes, some writers do charge a lot.
However, there are writers who price their services with an eye to what the industry can handle. So, not all writers are overly expensive.
Likewise, you want a business blogger who understands your industry. Why?
So, your blogs reach your followers at the point of their pain. When you have a writer who has been writing for the same industry for five years, you can trust that she knows what she’s doing.
A landscape blogger can save you an enormous amount of time. At the Landscape Writer, there is an annual editorial calendar consult where you and I work on 12 months of topics.
Then, when the calendar starts on January 1 or April 1, you don’t have to worry about your blog posts because they’ll be coming to your inbox at the same time each month.
You can learn more about a green industry expert writer in this blog post.
So, are you ready for consistent posts for your lawn care, landscaping or outdoor living blog? Then call me today at 717-381-6719, email me or fill out my consultation form.
PS-Slots are filling up fast. So don’t wait to contact me for your blogging and other content marketing needs for 2018. Connect with me on LinkedIn Twitter and Facebook.