Web Designers & Digital Marketers: What are Your Pain Points?

Question for all web designers and marketing consultants, what are your pain points?
When a landscaping or lawn care company calls you up or completes your contact form, requesting a quote to revamp their website or help them create a marketing plan, what do you do?
Over the past five years, I’ve gotten calls from green industry business owners who are frustrated with their marketing consultant or web designer.
Sometimes, it’s because the consultant doesn’t understand the industry or sometimes it’s because the landscaper doesn’t like the direction you’re taking their project.
So, they want out. How about you? Would you like to hold onto these customers rather than lose them to your competition?
Hire a Subject Matter Expert
There are a lot of good writers out there. However, how many of them are subject matter experts (SME)?
You should want to increase your stable of writers with SMEs. For example, if a roofing company hires you to design a website for them, don’t you think the copy would be better if it were written by someone who has spent years writing for roofing companies?
Here are five reasons why you need an SME writer:
- They’re experts in the industry they serve: SME writers, like me at the Landscape Writer, understand the industry they serve. For example, I’ve been writing for the green industry for the past five years. I read the industry’s trade magazines, I’ve talked to business owners, and I know what they need in their web copy, blogs and landing pages.
- They understand their niche’s pain points: Every business sector has pain points. For example, an organic lawn care company’s pain point is helping their clients and prospects understand that the process of natural lawn care takes longer than its synthetic counterpart. Also, many lawn maintenance owners like to stress to their customers the importance of mowing the right way and how much water a lawn needs to survive.
- They know their customers’ marketing goals: Many green industry pros are a bit hesitant when hiring a marketing or web design company. These owners get hounded with calls during their busy season—spring and summer—and some of them have taken up offers from unscrupulous companies—only to lose money and not get their return on investment.
How’s Your Company’s Know, Like & Trust?
- They’re passionate about their subject: SME writers are passionate about their subject—or they should be. For example, I enjoy writing blogs that educate my clients’ prospects and customers. I love writing about soil health and how that leads to lawn health. In a nutshell, I enjoy landscaping and hardscaping topics. It’s fun to picture a gunite pool or a new flagstone patio gracing my home.
- They know where to find sound information: So, do your in-house writers know where to find their information? Many busy business owners don’t share their processes which means that the writer needs to go looking for it. Where do your writers go?
Even though this blog is geared toward landscapers, you can still glean information from it.
- They know the right questions to ask: Finally, the SME knows from experience what questions to ask. They’ll be able to dig deeper and write smarter because they have the background knowledge to write well-versed copy.
Survey Time
Since web designers and digital marketing companies make up about 25% of my business, I want to get to know you—what are your pain points? If you’re interested, please fill out this survey that will give me a glimpse into your pain points.
In the meantime, if you need an SME writer for your green industry clients, call me at 717-381-6719 or fill out my consultation form.