Why You Need a SME Copywriter

Part 1 of 2 –
This article originally appeared on LinkedIn
A Subject Matter Expert (SME) copywriter is a writer who is knowledgeable in a business niche. For example, I’m a SME copywriter for lawn and landscape companies because that’s the subject area I cut my teeth on when I started as a writer. Granted, I don’t have a degree in turf science. Yet, I’ve written so much about the topic that I’m an expert of sorts.
Who do you hire to write for your company?
What niche are you in? Do you hire writers who are generalists or specialists? And what’s the difference?
A generalist writer will write about any topic. And there are some great copywriters out there who can write about farming one day and pharmaceuticals the next. Yet, you may be better off with a SME copywriter in farming or pharmaceuticals for the following reasons:
- A SME copywriter knows her subject inside and out. She has enough knowledge to persuade your target audience and gets clicks on your website content, blogs, or webinars.
- A SME copywriter knows where to get her information from. For example, I know the universities that are specialists in turf science. Plus, I know the best universities for lawn and landscape businesses in the south, in the Midwest and in the northern part of the U.S.
- A SME copywriter keeps up with industry trends. For instance, I receive the major lawn and landscape trade magazines. I also get their weekly or daily newsletters too. Plus, I keep up on my own industry—reading about content marketing through newsletters and a trade magazine. So I’m knowledgeable on the latest trends both in the green industry AND the content marketing industry.
- A SME copywriter asks you the right questions to get to know you, your content marketing goals, as well as your brand. She can weave that information with the latest information to convince your audience that you’re an expert in your field.
- A SME copywriter will speak intelligently through words about trends, issues, and problems your clients face and how you can solve those problems.
Where Can You Find a SME Copywriter?
LinkedIn is probably the best first step to finding a SME copywriter. The second best would be a Google search. Put in keywords such as
- Medical copywriter
- Pharmaceutical copywriter
- Insurance copywriter
- Agriculture copywriter
- Landscape copywriter
- Lawn care copywriter.
Last, but not least, check out these copywriters’ websites. Read their blogs. Google their names to see where they’re published. And follow and like them on social media.
You can learn more about your copywriter by reading, following, and listening to see what’s important to her as well as her personal writing style. Plus, you’ll see if she’s a savvy social media marketer too.
In Part Two, I’ll discuss how you and your copywriter can meet, interview and get started on your first project.
Wendy Komancheck is a copywriter exclusively for the lawn care and landscape industries. You can learn more about her at www.landscapewriter.com or email her at wendy@landscapewriter.com. She’ll love to answer your questions about Internet marketing and blogging.