Help Your Customers Celebrate National Homeowner’s Month!

So, you’re out of blog ideas that inform your readers about best lawn and landscaping tips. So, what else do you readers need to know?
How about focusing on special months? For example, April is National Lawn Care Month, June celebrates National Homeowner’s Month, and July is Smart Irrigation Month.
From April through July, you could have 8-10 different blog topics to share with your readers.
Mini-White Paper – Celebrating National Homeowner’s Month
When writing a blog and social media content about these special months, try to tie them into the green industry and your customers’ pain points. For example, for National Homeowner’s Month, your readers may have these pain points:
- They just moved into your area, and they don’t know the first thing about taking care of their lawns and landscapes.
- They’re gearing up to sell their home. You can share pointers on curb appeal and how your lawn and landscape company can help them achieve it.
- If you provide gutter clean-ups, you can focus on the dangers of clogged gutters and how to solve their gutter
Don’t forget to blog about your lawn care services such as weed control.
Use Facts to Further Your Cause
Let’s stay with National Homeowner’s Month for a few more minutes. You can use facts in your blogs to draw readers into your story. For example, (part of the National Association of Landscape Professionals), lists lawn and landscaping benefits:
- A yard acts like an air conditioner—it’s 31 degrees cooler than asphalt and 20 degrees cooler than bare soil.
- If your reader has trees, you can point out that their attic is 40 degrees cooler than if they didn’t own any trees.
- You can point out how lawns also prevent erosion problems.
- And you can mention how lawns provide a haven to play, rest and relax.
- You can mention that homes sell faster when the property’s curb appeal is well-maintained.
Connect these ideas with good home-owning habits, and you now have a blog or blogs that will interest your readers.
Read more about celebrating National Lawn Care Month with your blog.
3 Takeaways for You
To help get you started with your blogs celebrating National Homeowner’s Month, here are three blog topics:
- How a Lawn and Landscaping Company Gives Your Weekends Back to You
- X Ways to Create Visual Appeal with Your Lawn and Landscapes
- Lawn Services OR Landscaping Near Me—Replace “Near Me” with the three popular cities that you serve.
Did you know that you’re a lot like your customers? You want to save time too—only you may want to save time from having to come up with blog topics, blogs and social media management.
Do you marry your blog post with your social media?
If that’s you, call me today at 717-381-6719, email me at or fill out my free consultation form how I can turn your blah blogs into customer-loving ones.
Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter @LawnNLandwriter and LinkedIn!