How to Get More Ideas for Your Landscaping or Lawn Care Blog

Don’t you wish you knew what topic to write about for your landscape maintenance and lawn care blog?
You may believe that you can’t come up with any good topics to share with your followers, who you hope become your customers.
Rest assured, my friend. This blog post will help you come up with the next great title for you to blog about.
How You Can Come Up with Blog Ideas
Your goal for your landscape blogs should be to educate your readers—both loyal customers and sales prospects. You don’t want a hard sell because that leads your readers to go to your competitor’s blog.
Your blog posts should answer why your sales prospects should call you for a free estimate or sign up for your lawn fertilization program. What makes you stand out from the crowd? Why should I (the sales prospect) trust you?
Here are some article ideas to introduce your lawn service or contracting company to your blog readers:
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) you get from your current clients. You use each question featured on your website’s FAQ to create a blog answering that question.
- Article titles that cover the basics, such as “What is Organic Lawn Care?” “Why You Need a Certified Arborist to Care for Your Trees,” and “How Does a Landscape Contractor Manage My Outdoor Kitchen Project?”
- Seasonal Ideas such as April is National Lawn Care Month, July is Smart Irrigation Month, and Arbor Day is on the last Friday of every April.
- Solve the readers’ problems. For example, in Pennsylvania, homeowners and property managers are dealing with Spotted Lanternflies laying their eggs on trees. How do you fix that problem? Do you, as a tree care company, have the ability to address the problem and save your customers’ trees?
You can also expand on ideas such as core aeration in the spring and fall, grub prevention in mid to late summer, and winterizing a sprinkler system in late fall.
Read more: 7 Tips for Getting More Landscape Customers.
According to Neil Patel, in his article, “How to Come Up with 93 Blog Ideas in 10 Minutes,” “Top writers keep their minds filled with ideas that their readers care about.”
Homeowners and property managers come to your blog to see if you can fix their most pressing lawn care and landscaping problems.
Learn from the Best
Neil Patel is a well-known digital marketer from England; he’s also an influencer in digital marketing and SEO. Here’s how Patel strategizes his blog posts:
Know what your readers care about—it goes back to their most pressing property problems, whether that’s the Spotted Lanternfly, ticks, crabgrass, or overgrown flowerbeds.
Leave your readers feeling hopeful that they can have a beautiful, sustainable lawn, an outdoor kitchen for summer parties, and flowerbeds that attract pollinators.
Surprise your readers with fresh, well-researched content that gives them the push they need to call you for all of their property’s needs.
Survey your readers to see what topics they want you to cover in your blogs
Read more: Web developers and digital marketing agencies: What are your pain points?
Check out popular lawn care and garden design books on Amazon. Click on the “Look Inside” option to study the table of contents.
While you don’t copy the information outlined in the books, you can use the table of contents as starting points for blog topics. These topics are already reader-approved.
Popular Blog Topics for the Green Industry
Carol Tice, another seasoned business writer, shares her blog-generating ideas in a post on Granted, this is a general list, not one specified for the lawn care, tree care, or landscape industry. But Tice’s ideas can be a start to a brainstorming session.
Here are some of her ideas adapted for you:
- Turn positive customer testimonials into a blog post. You could make this into a case study where your customer had a specific problem, and you solved that problem for them.
- Compile a link roundup where you take links from trades and other online magazines, such as I do this with my social media posts … however, I don’t put them in listicles. If I read an article that I think will benefit my followers, I post it on Buffer.
- You can do the same thing, but make it a listicle blog. It’s easy to assemble, and you can comment on each article. Don’t forget to read the articles first and make sure you put hyperlinks with each title.
- Create a video blog or a Vlog. Share your ideas for lawn care, talk about your favorite mower, or show how to create a striped lawn. You may attract DIY’ers, but you’ll also attract folks who don’t want to mow their lawns but will hire you to do the job for them.
- Infographics work well for any lawn and plant health care programs you provide. For example, hire a graphic artist to create an infographic highlighting how fertilization works.
- Share new lawn care, mowing, tree care, or landscaping trends. For example, organic lawn care is a trend that millennial homeowners are interested in. How can you capitalize on a green industry trend?
If you’re just starting out with a lawn care and landscape maintenance website, here are five blogging ideas to get your blog off to a good start: - Get to the root of the problem with plant fertilization. If your company provides a fertilization program for lawns, landscapes, flowerbeds, or trees, you can explain how fertilizer works from the soil upward.
- Why Hire a Lawn Care (or Landscape Contractor, or a Garden Designer)? Share how your company provides services to make properties look their best, as well as their healthiest. Comment on how professional home services save busy families time.
- Make a comparison between professional green industry companies versus the guy in a truck. Include relevant information such as any certifications you hold and insurances you carry (like general liability, property, and workers’ compensation).
- Talk about the importance of tick and flea, mosquito, and other pest controls. If you offer mosquito control, you can add in your blog that you apply it as a one-time service for a big party as well as a program throughout the summer.
- Celebrate spring by writing a post about the benefits of lawns. NALP has a treasure trove of information that gives facts and figures regarding how lawns benefit residential and commercial properties.
- You can do the same type of post for trees, sprinkler systems, and landscapes.
Finally, add a call to action (CTA) at the end of every blog. I suggest a sub-head, such as “How Harvey’s Mowing Beautifies Your Lawn with Striping.”
From there, you can discuss how your company mows lawns professionally, creating striping that’s the envy of the neighborhood.
You can get a little sales-y in the CTA. Focus on other benefits, too, like professional mowing saves families time, we use only sharp mower blades, etc.
Keep in mind that you don’t need to offer free estimates if you find that they’re a waste of time. However, you should put a link to your contact page so folks can click on it and give you their information.
Don’t forget to include your phone number and a link to your contact page. You want to make it super-easy for interested prospects to click a button and contact you.
Speaking of CTAs, Here’s How the Landscape Writer Helps You with Regular Blogging
The New Year is around the corner. Now’s the time to make a commitment to yourself to keep those blogs going live at least once a month or more. If you need help with blog creation or other content marketing, such as web pages and case studies, you need the Landscape Writer!
Call/text me today at 717-381-6719, email me at or fill out my contact form. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.